Many companies do not follow a checklist for performing their tasks.
That gives it more room for mistakes like leaving important cleaning details behind.
Certainly, this is not good for those who hire the service let alone for the reputation of the company.
So, this is a very important point to be considered when hiring a cleaning service.
See why you should think about hiring a cleaning company that has a checklist
When you have a checklist to perform a task, the chance that everything will go according to plan is much higher.
In addition to the chance of unpleasant surprises when combining some service and in the end, you get frustrated by something that has not been fulfilled is less.
After all, the company will have a list to check if everything you promised has been done.
Benefits of hiring a company with a checklist for professional cleaning
Tasks completed in less time
A checklist also causes tasks to be optimized.
Because the cleanup team won’t have to think about the next task to run just follow the script.
Service Standardization
A well-crafted checklist means that the company follows a pattern.
So, the chance of her maintaining the quality of the service provided day after day is much higher.
Greater Credibility
A company that follows a checklist becomes more reliable because it documents its processes by passing more credibility.
It certainly also demonstrates organization, and this is very important when hiring any kind of service.
Organization is synonymous with responsibility, agility and certainly less probability of frustration on the part of the service provided.
What are checklists
Checklists are well-defined task lists with instructions that must be followed in a predetermined sequence.
The goal of the checklist is to always follow a pattern and streamline the work, without the worry of forgetting something behind.
In addition, there are tasks that should be prioritized at each time of cleaning.
That is, there is a sequence that must be followed so that everything comes out faster and with higher quality.
Certainly, the cleaning checklist also functions as a document that is very important for the company as well as for the customer.
After all, both of you will be able to consult to see if everything has gone out as agreed which benefits both parties.
Completion of the importance of a checklist for professional cleaning
For all that we have elucidated in this article we can certainly affirm that a cleaning company that employs a checklist is more qualified.
After all she worries about some important requirements when hiring this service such as:
Time savings
Comply with what is proposed
Quality standard
That’s why our company, Corazza Cleaning Service, cares about crafting a checklist to make your home flawless.
This makes it easy for us to evaluate and train our employees to maintain an impeccable quality standard.
We understand that the customer needs to have this support and this security when contracting our services.
This way at the time of hiring we leave everything specified and you do not have to worry.
Because all contracted cleaning services will be performed from this checklist.
For a house always clean and organized you can also hire our recurring plan with discounts.
Have more time to worry about what’s most important to you and let us take care of the rest.
Access our contact on the button below and we can arrange a visit.
In this article you will understand why keeping your home clean and organized can improve your quality of life.
Certainly, a disorganized house leads to an increase in stress and anxiety.
At least that’s what some studies conducted in California and Australia show.
In California, this study was conducted where it was observed that a dirty and disorganized house causes increased cortisol levels in women thus increasing stress.
Researchers at the University of New South in Australia, do this study that proves that a disorganized and dirty kitchen increases the level of stress.
So, people eat more because they take this sense of lack of control in the food.
However, a clean and organized kitchen diminishes this desire to always look for what to eat.
So, we can observe how much a clean and organized house can improve your quality of life.
In addition to the comfort and tranquility of finding everything organized and in place makes the daily tasks become much more pleasurable.
Surely the whole family benefits from a more productive day-to-day as the organization facilitates daily tasks.
After all, with everything in your proper place you’ll save time and energy by not having to keep looking for things you never find when you want.
Benefits of keeping your home clean and organized. How can this improve your quality of life?
Decreases stress level
When we find things out of place this certainly causes us a mental disorganization.
This mental disorder can bring therefore anxiety and stress because it releases into our body substances such as cortisol also known as stress hormone.
Therefore, keeping everything in its proper place can mean much more than organization but can directly influence our physical and mental health.
After all, you already have scientific studies that prove this, as mentioned above in this article.
There’s more time left for the activities you like
Surely not having to spend minutes or even hours looking for something you can’t find will save you time to do more things you like.
Generates more savings
When you keep things organized it’s much easier to know what you have and what needs to be purchased.
So, you won’t spend money without having to buy utensils, food and even clothes that you already have but was stored in a place you didn’t even imagine.
Decreases anxiety
Looking at a messy bed or a sink full of dirty pots and pans gives that feeling that there is much to do besides daily work activities.
Certainly, this feeling generates a lot of anxiety which can cause damage to your health.
Saves time
Staying for minutes or even hours looking for something is very exhausting as you use precious time from your day.
Saving a few minutes can be essential so you don’t always have to be running with the feeling that you’re always late.
Brings people closer
Those who don’t like having family and loved ones around don’t.
But if you live in a dirty and disorganized environment for sure this is not inviting at all.
When the house is clean and in order people feel the energy flowing and want to be there all the time to recharge.
Improves physical health
Surely your lungs will thank you every day for a clean house free of dust.
Because cleanliness and organization ward off insects and unwanted small animals that may even be invisible to the naked eye.
They can bring various damage to your health like allergies, skin problems and even more serious chronic respiratory problems.
Generates more mood
When thinking about doing a daily activity, if you don’t have a lot of accumulated tasks and everything is organized in your home, you will be more willing to be doing other activities that can improve your mental and physical health. Like the gym or even a hobby.
Benefits creativity
Everything in place brings peace and unlocks the mind.
So, you’ll have physical and mental space to unleash your creativity and do amazing things.
Optimizes your daily tasks
The ease of having everything on hand and not needing to be caring and diverting from things you do not need and no longer use will surely optimize your life.
Having a place to store every thing and even use labels for this will make everything easier and more practical in the day to day.
Feeling of welcome and comfort
For sure when arriving in a clean and organized environment the feeling is very warm.
You feel welcomed and can rest much better.
There is nothing like sitting back in an armchair with an environment free of dirt and mess around.
This feeling of comfort is fundamental for those minutes of daily relaxation.
Tips on how to keep your home clean and organized to improve your quality of life.
Make the bed when you wake up
A well-placed bed is inviting.
Nothing like coming home at the end of a day of strenuous chores and finding your bed inviting you for a good night’s sleep.
Leave the sink always clean and organized after each meal
It’s a few minutes you’ll spend there, but it’ll make all the difference for the rest of the day.
In addition to that when the sink is organized and clean it becomes an invitation to cook and prepare pleasurable meals for family and friends.
Find specific places to save every thing
When you get hold of things you no longer use, in addition to practicing an act of charity by donating what you have in good condition, there’s more room to organize what’s left.
So you can determine specific places for each thing leaving everything handy and practical.
Place objects and utensils off the ground in aerial storages
Things scattered around the floor make cleaning and daily traffic difficult.
Arrange everything on shelves, cabinets or even small furniture near the entrance door to store shoes, for example.
Organization in boxes with labels
To find everything quickly, try tagging boxes and storage locations.
In addition to making it easier for you to find things, it will also make you always return them to the right place when saving.
Separate 15 minutes before bed time to do small organizing tasks for the next day
Separate these minutes to wash that little loucinha that was in the sink, collect the clothes that are on the clothesline or even fix the cushions of the couch.
So when you wake up the other day, everything will be organized so that you start with an overdose of energy.
Do not leave shoes sparse
Booking your own place for shoes is something that will make everything seem more organized.
You can place a mobile near the entrance door as I quoted above or have a shoe rack in the room to put them after use making it easier when using them again.
Cleaning the ordined is something that will make every difference in maintaining the cleanliness and health of your home.
Create a checklist for simple household chores that you need to do daily
Make a short list of simple everyday tasks, such as organizing a drawer, releasing old things you no longer use from cabinets, or even pruning some garden plants.
Have a key chain
If there is an object that should not be missing in a home is the key chain.
So you will never risk arriving late on an appointment when not finding the keys when leaving the house.
When using something save
If you followed the tip of organizing everything in specific places I can assure you that this will not be a difficult task.
Leave hidden and organized wires and cables
There are cable and wire organizers and you can hide them without being embarded and risk ing them from causing any damage.
Get rid of what you don’t use anymore
Do once a month a boot off.
Take away everything that doesn’t fit you and that you haven’t used in a while.
In addition to doing a good deed by donating what is still in good condition you will free up space for what is really useful for you.
Other than keeping broken things is considered an accumulation of bad energies, as some spiritualists report.
Keep the wardrobe organized
By periodically getting rid of unnecessary things and getting a place for each thing for sure it will be much easier to keep your wardrobe organized.
Have baskets to put dirty clothes
Putting the dirty clothes in a specific basket besides showing you that the time has come to wash them will also make everything more organized and clean.
Having a clothes rack for used clothes can make a difference
You know those jeans you only wore once and you want to put it on again?
You can get a clothes rack to put it on.
So you won’t have to put her in the wardrobe along with the clean clothes and won’t leave her thrown anywhere.
Have a specific place to store food in an organized way
It can be a pantry or a shelf inside the same kitchen cabinet.
Organize by categories and due dates, so you’ll avoid waste and make it easier to day by day.
Separate a day of the week to schedule a heavy cleaning
Schedule a general and deep cleaning weekly so everything will always be clean and will make your organization much easier on a day-to-day basis.
And don’t forget that if you need a professional and careful company count on us to help you here.
We will take care of this heavier work for you, so you can enjoy your day with the activities you like the most.
Ask for help for everyone in the family and share tasks
Involve everyone in this organization maintenance and cleanup task.
In addition to awakening the feeling of belonging and responsibility will make the work lighter for all.
Collect dry clothes
It seems like a small task but we always leave it for later.
Collecting clothes whenever they dry, in addition to giving the feeling of organization will also make your clothes keep the perfume and softness.
Avoid task rollups
Fulfilling these little tips on a day-to-day life will make everything flow better.
Because when we accumulate things to do this gives us the feeling of anxiety and increased stress.
Follow the daily checklist and see how you can better control your daily tasks.
In this article we saw how important it is to keep your home clean and organized to improve your quality of life.
After all there are so many benefits that will surely make your life become much easier on a day-to-day base, besides bringing a return to your physical and mental health.
To maintain daily organization, you can follow these various tips that we have listed here.
But do not forget that a deeper cleaning weekly will facilitate the maintenance of a clean house and everything in place.
So, count on us to do this heavy lifting.
We care for every detail so that your daily life is much lighter and more fun.
Just call us around here and we’re going to come to you to with a quote and you don’t have to worry about anything.